So far in AJ Discala’s series of green energy articles, The OmniView Capital Advisor’s CEO has described three alternatives to gasoline and diesel that can be implemented using existing infrastructures for cheaper than the infrastructure we’re currently using, which will help us reduce our dependence on oil for transportation.
In this final article of the series, AJ Discala discusses a fourth alternative.
The fourth thing that you can drive on today far more affordably than you can drive on gasoline or petroleum products is ethanol, which is not derived from natural gas. “It’s grain alcohol, as distinct from wood alcohol,” says AJ Discala, “but we produce a great deal of ethanol in the U.S. today.”
“Flex fuel vehicles that Detroit produces can operate on 85% ethanol,” says AJ Discala.“We could continue having that available so when someone drives into a filling station, instead of seeing two pumps, he’d see three – gasoline, ethanol, and methanol – and you’d let the consumer decide what he wants to drive on. This ends the cycle of making Americans tools of oil interests by having the kind of plastic and fuel lines that only permit gasoline and not ethanol and methanol to be used.”